Image and concept project
The skin is the largest organ in the body that holds a big part of our identity. The beauty industry market on skincare has always been in big demand. Technological advances today have produced an array of skin supplements to enhance aesthetics. Although most skincare products offer healthy, brighter, and younger skin, some brands also promote skin whitening, sometimes in excess. Skincare brands are often connected not only with healthy skin but also with fairness and whiteness. It is also big on promoting light-skinned beauty in a commercial advertisement. At times, these advertisements have a significant influence on parts of the world whose skin colour is darker. Sometimes, skin whitening could also be harmful when people abuse them for extreme needs.
By erasing the skin of the models, this project attempts to relook at the idea of the perfect skin colour in beauty cosmetic advertisements.
Photoshop • InDesign
By erasing the skin of the models, this project attempts to relook at the idea of the perfect skin colour in beauty cosmetic advertisements.
Photoshop • InDesign